Larry Kissell – Increase own Salary

June 25, 2012

 Tonight, Russ Carnahan voted to increase his own congressional salary while at the same time raising taxes on the middle-class. Carnahan again caved to Obama’s demands by opposing a common-sense bipartisan job-creating bill that could create up to 130,000 American jobs. Believe it or not, reports were that Democrats were in total chaos over potentially losing out on a pay raise, with one Member even “erupting” because she doesn’t think taxpayers are paying her enough money. Guess Carnahan and his Democrat allies in Washington are more concerned about their own paycheck than those of middle-class families.

Carnahan’s Check List for 12/13/2011:

√ SUPPORT a tax INCREASE on middle-class families.
√ Allow illegal immigrants to get child tax credits.
√ Allow welfare fund withdrawals from strip clubs, casinos and liquor stores.
√ Get A PAY RAISE for being a partisan lapdog to Obama and Pelosi.

Please consider the following comment from the NRCC as you cover Carnahan’s choice to block up to 130,000 jobs and raises taxes on middle-class families all so he wouldn’t receive a pay cut:

NRCC COMMENT: “Nothing screams ‘Washington insider’ like voting to give yourself a pay raise, while increasing taxes on middle-class families. What will it take for Carnahan to stop putting Obama before Missouri families and jobs?” – NRCC Spokeswoman Andrea Bozek