Does Loebsack stand with Iowa families or illegal immigrants?

June 25, 2012

Today we’ll find out who Dave Loebsack stands with: Hard-working Iowa families or illegal immigrants? Loebsack has the opportunity to prevent – once and for all –the ability for illegal immigrants to benefit from the child tax credit. A report issued in July of this year by the U.S. Department of Treasury’s inspector general for tax administration found that tax credit loopholes for illegal immigrants cost taxpayers an alarming $4.2 billion. (“Undocumented workers got billions from IRS in tax credits, audit finds,” Washington Post, 9/2/2011)

Sounds like a no-brainer, right? This commonsense reform is way overdue, and Loebsack can either support taxpayers by voting to stop this costly magnet for illegal immigration – or he can support his Democrat leaders who want to derail any bipartisan efforts.

NRCC COMMENT:“American families are struggling to get by in the Obama economy while illegal immigrants are collecting billions of our tax dollars. Dave Loebsack should do the right thing by closing this outrageous loophole and support a bipartisan bill that creates jobs and prevents a tax increase on Iowa families.”  – NRCC Spokeswoman Andrea Bozek

In addition, the NRCC is launching targeted calls today urging voters to call Dave Loebsack and tell him to support this payroll tax package that will help to create thousands of new American jobs through the Keystone Xl Project supported by labor groups.

SCRIPT:Hello, I’m calling from the National Republican Congressional Committee with an important alert about your Congressman, Dave Loebsack. This week, he has a chance to vote for a bipartisan jobs bill that would create up to 130,000 union-backed jobs at a pipeline that would bring oil from Canada to the U.S. However, Loebsack’s strongest ally in Washington, President Obama, is pressuring him to vote against bringing these jobs to America. If Loebsack follows Obama’s lead, as he usually does, that oil and those jobs will go to China. Call Dave Loebsack at (202) 225-6576. Ask him to join labor unions like the Teamsters and segments of the AFL-CIO and support new jobs, instead of supporting Obama. Paid for by the National Republican Congressional Committee. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. 202.479.7000.”