Christie Vilsack, Big Liberal with Big Liberal Friends

June 25, 2012

Christie Vilsack, Big Liberal with Big Liberal Friends

While Christie is busy hiding from her San Francisco fundraisers and events with her extreme liberal friends, her recent FEC report exposes the truth. Only 24% of Christie’s contributions came from Iowa donors. Where did the rest of her contributions come from? Her liberal special interest friends who know that she will be a reliable rubberstamp for their big-government agenda that has punished job creators and driven our record-high unemployment. Vilsack is sounding more and more like her true liberal self when she recently confirmed that she would support President Obama’s stimulus 2.0 plan that includes massive tax hikes and more spending that will destroy jobs. “I believe government works,” Vilsack said when asked how we can improve our economy.

Vilsack’s Top Liberal Backers:

Nancy Pelosi: $14,000
Al Franken: $2,500
John Kerry: $10,000
Progressive Choices PAC: $1,000

NRCC Comment: “Christie Vilsack’s liberal positions are clearly out-of-touch with Iowa middle-class families who want to shrink government, not grow it. Vilsack can try to cover up her liberal priorities, but Iowans understand that Vilsack will support Obama’s job-destroying spending bills that have made the economy worse and left future generations indebted to foreign countries like China.” – NRCC Spokeswoman Andrea Bozek