Kuster and Shea-Porter rubber-stamp Dem. gimmick to raise taxes

June 25, 2012

With Vice President Biden peddling higher taxes on job creators and employers in Exeter this morning, voters will be watching to see if Ann Kuster and Carol Shea-Porter are standing by his side ready to rubber-stamp a gimmick to raise taxes and fund more big-government spending.

As the Union Leader and Foster’s Daily Democrat editorialize today, the Buffett Rule is not about math or fairness or shared sacrifice. It is simply a cynical ploy to buy votes and distract voters from the Democrats’ mishandling of the economy.

As you cover the Vice President’s visit and whether Kuster and Shea-Porter will be at his side, please consider the following quote:

NRCC Comment: “Rather than reduce unemployment and put Granite Staters back to work, Ann Kuster, Carol Shea-Porter and their Democrat allies in Washington are peddling tax-raising gimmicks aimed at fooling voters.” – Nat Sillin, NRCC Spokesman

Additional Information on the “Buffet Rule” & Obama’s Record on the Nation’s Debt

The Wall Street Journal: “This Year, The Buffett Rule Would Increase Federal Revenues By All Of $1.1 Billion. That’s Less Than One-Tenth Of One Percent Of The $1.2 Trillion Budget Deficit Mr. Obama Is Scheduled To Run This Year.” (Editorial, “The Bottom 0.1%,” The Wall Street Journal, 3/21/12)

Los Angeles Times: “The Proposed Buffett Rule Is More A Political Statement Than A Deficit-Reduction Tool, Given How Little Money It Would Raise.” (Editorial, “The ‘Buffett Rule,’ And More,”Los Angeles Times, 9/20/11)

Politico: “By Contrast, According To A CBO Report, Obama’s Policies Will Result in $6.4 Trillion In Deficits In The Next Ten Years.” (David Rogers, “CBO: Exploding Debt Under Obama,” Politico, 3/16/12)

Politifact: “Obama Is The Undisputed Debt King Of The Last Five Presidents.” (“Nancy Pelosi Posts Questionable Chart On Debt Accumulation By Barack Obama, Predecessors,”Politifact, 5/19/11)

Annie Kuster for Congress