Tim Bishop – Broken Promise of Healthcare

June 25, 2012

 After forcing Obamacare’s costly big-government mandates onto Long Island taxpayers and small businesses, Tim Bishop and his Democrat leaders promised that if you liked your health coverage you could keep it. Well, as the Atlanta Journal Constitution put it, that “infamous promise” amounts to “active deception” by Obama and Bishop.

Sounds, in fact, like Nancy Pelosi had it more to the point – “We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it.”

Under a new ruling by the Obama administration, the Catholic Church is required to pay for contraceptives and other coverage, such as the morning-after pill, for their employees even if that coverage violates their religious beliefs. By choosing not to comply with this mandate that is against their beliefs, millions of dollars in funding for Catholic charitable organizations that provide help to struggling families, the sick and elderly and other needy Americans who benefit from their charitable efforts are shut off. We have already seen Democrats who were defeated because of their Obamacare vote come out and say that they, “Wouldn’t have voted for Obamacare had I expected the Obama Administration to force Catholic hospitals and Catholic Colleges and Universities to pay for contraception…” Others Democrats are beginning to blast the administration for this move as well.

Will Tim Bishop admit he deceived his constituents as he continues to support this decision by the Administration? OR, will he finally support repealing this government takeover of healthcare?

As you ask him these questions, please consider the following quote:

NRCC Comment: “Tim Bishop and Obama have already broken their promise that Obamacare won’t affect your health care if you like it. What other surprises are we in store for? Will Bishop finally admit that he was sold a big-government bill of goods, recognize that it’s time to repeal this government takeover of healthcare, and allow Americans the freedom to have the kind of coverage they want.” – NRCC Spokesman Nat Sillin