Chris Donovan: So Much for the Establishment Candidate

June 25, 2012

Chris Donovan: So Much for the Establishment Candidate

In case you missed it, in the last 48 hours the Democrat establishment’s handpicked candidate for Connecticut’s 5th District congressional race – Connecticut House Speaker Chris Donovan – suddenly finds himself embroiled in a growing scandal that includes charges against his finance director of influence-peddling and hiding campaign contributions.

CT POST: Source: Chris Donovan a focus of federal probe
HARTFORD COURANT: Donovan Campaign Corruption Allegation: A Dull Race Turns Electric
HARTFORD COURANT: Democratic Official Says Donovan Campaign Manager Gave Tainted Check To Party Officer At Convention; To Be Returned
HARTFORD COURANT: Donovan’s Campaign Finance Director Fired After Arrest; Campaign Manager Fired, Too
HARTFORD COURANT: GOP Senate Leader: Donovan Should Step Down As House Speaker

Meanwhile, national Democrats refuse to comment on the growing scandal surrounding their establishment candidate. As you cover the widening scandal and Donovan’s 3pm press conference, consider the following quote:

NRCC Comment: "The silence is deafening from national Democrats on this growing scandal involving Chris Donovan. Hiding under their desks won’t improve Democrats’ sinking chances in this race." –NRCC Spokesman Nat Sillin