Ellington and Jeffress, “since the days of Herod”

July 16, 2012

Ellington and Jeffress, “since the days of Herod”

In case you missed it ,this week Arkansas’ Democrat Attorney General called ObamaCare “a tax.”

               “I’ve said a long time ago, since the days of Herod, if the government takes money from you, it’s a tax.” – Arkansas Attorney General Dustin McDaniel

So do Democrats Scott Ellington and Gene Jeffress agree?

After all, Jeffress has been vocally defending ObamaCare before audiences in Arkansas.

And Ellington praised the Supreme Court’s ruling upholding the law and said he is opposed to repealing it.

“Will Ellington and Jeffress admit that ObamaCare is a tax? Both candidates support taking money from Arkansas families and seniors and handing their healthcare decisions over to unelected Washington bureaucrats.” – NRCC Spokesman Daniel Scarpinato