Bill Foster and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Can’t Quite See Our Current Economic State Too Well

July 16, 2012

 Bill Foster and Debbie Wasserwam-Schultz Can’t Quite See Our Current Economic State Too Well

Recently, DCCC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz said on Fox News Sunday that she was happy about the current state of our economy. In the interview she tries to spin a ridiculous angle about job growth in America. With the unemployment rate remaining over 8 percent for 40  consecutive months, Americans are not buying Debbie’s embarrassing spin and they are sure not happy with the state of our country’s economy.

Seeing former Congressman Bill Foster always supports whatever his Washington Democrats do and say, Illinois families are wondering if he too is happy about our current economy. So will Bill Foster stand by the DCCC Chairwoman’s statement and agree that he is happy about the state of our economy?

NRCC Statement: Does Bill Foster live in the same alternate reality as the DCCC Chairwoman and think we should be happy about the millions of Americans unemployed?  Bill Foster needs to either disavow her comments and stance on the economy or he needs to fess up to Illinois families and tell them tough luck and get used to standing in unemployment lines.” NRCC Spokeswoman Katie Prill