Brad Schneider, Liberal Love Fest

July 24, 2012

Brad Schneider, Liberal Love Fest

Recently, the National Journal labeled Brad Schneider a “moderate nominee.” While many Illinois families have no clue who Brad Schneider is, we are certainly sure once they get to know him they would not view him as a moderate.

There has never been any doubt in the Schneider campaign that they were working for a progressive and ultra-liberal Democrat. Even Schneider’s own campaign manager touts the fact that his boss is not a moderate and that he would never join the Blue Dog Coalition.

On March 19, 2012, Schneider’s campaign manager told TPM, “Brad has never been asked and he would never join the Blue Dog Coalition.”

Even Brad Schneider doesn’t view himself as a moderate calling himself a “progressive” on Chicago Tonight. With a plan for taxes that goes even further to the extreme left than Barack Obama’s plan, we can clearly see why he would not call himself a moderate.

In April 2012, Brad Schneider’s campaign website stated, “The Bush tax cuts will, and should, expire at the end of next year. (…) “I believe in a progressive tax structure that fairly distributes the costs of government in a way that those of us fortunate to have more, carry more of the burden. But at the same time, everyone must have a stake in setting our priorities as well as supporting the costs. We truly are all in the same boat together.”


Brad Schneider also sided with the controversial Occupy Wall Street movement saying they are “absolutely right.”

But the liberal love fest doesn’t end there…

In 2009, Brad Schneider gave campaign contributions to then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s congressional campaign. Also in 2012, Brad Schneider gladly accepted $7,000 from Nancy Pelosi in his race for Congress.

NRCC Statement: “Brad Schneider is trying to portray himself as a moderate when his views are the definition of extreme. Voting for Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House and supporting her job-destroying policies is not what the families of Illinois consider moderate.” – NRCC Spokeswoman Katie Prill

Best wishes,
