Who Is She Fighting For?

August 12, 2012

Tarryl Clark can’t get enough of herself on television. Recently, TV Tarryl launched another campaign ad touting her willingness to fight for Minnesota families and seniors. What is strange is that Tarryl Clark would have voted for Nancy Pelosi’s government takeover of healthcare which will cause a massive tax increase on Minnesota families and includes devastating cuts to Medicare which will hurt Minnesota seniors.

The newest ad also says, “She’s spent her life fighting for Minnesota.” What Minnesotans know is that Tarryl Clark voted against them before when she was the deciding vote for a $435 million tax increase. If Tarryl Clark thinks voting for a $435 million tax hike and supporting policies that will hinder small businesses, devastate Medicare and push another massive tax hike on the families of Minnesota is fighting for this state, she has a lot of explaining to do.

NRCC Statement: “Tarryl Clark is proving that she will say anything to get elected. Her support of Nancy Pelosi’s healthcare overhaul will devastate Medicare and cause a massive tax increase on every Minnesotan. It is time for Tarryl Clark to get real and let voters know that she will be fighting against Minnesota families if elected to Congress.”
– NRCC Spokeswoman Katie Prill