Time to cancel TV Tarryl

August 12, 2012

Tarryl Clark has shown that she loves to see herself on TV. Today she has released her second TV AD of the campaign saying she will fight for Minnesota families and uphold the promise of Medicare and Social Security for Minnesota seniors. But Minnesota families know what Tarryl Clark fights for; more taxes and Nancy Pelosi’s healthcare overhaul that will destroy jobs and gut Medicare for our seniors.

In 2010, while in the Minnesota State Senate, Clark was the deciding vote on a $435 million tax increase for Minnesota families. (MinnPost, 5/28/10)

“Clark supported the stimulus, financial reform and health care overhaul acts, and wouldn’t say where she stood on the climate change proposal.” (St. Cloud Times, 11/03/10)

The healthcare overhaul cuts $500 billion from Medicare: “And it would slice an additional $60 billion from Medicare, with the privately run program known as Medicare Advantage targeted for particularly deep cuts, bringing the total reduction in projected spending on the program to more than $500 billion over the next decade.” (The Washington Post, 3/19/10)

Clark’s support of Nancy Pelosi’s healthcare overhaul would ensure a future of imploding debt, higher healthcare costs and $500 billion in Medicare cuts for Minnesota seniors. Her votes to raise taxes on the backs of Minnesota families have crippled job creators from creating jobs in Minnesota. Tarryl Clark has a track record of doing what is wrong for Minnesota families.

NRCC Statement: “Tarryl Clark is like a bad rerun that won’t go away. Her lack of honesty with voters is shocking. She says she is going to fight for Minnesota families but she has a proven record of raising taxes and supports policies that do away with Medicare for our seniors. Times are tough in Minnesota and that is thanks to Tarryl Clark.”
– NRCC Spokeswoman Katie Prill