Difficult Environment

August 12, 2012

Today CNBC ran a story on the race for Ohio’s 16th District. Betty Sutton discussed with the CNBC reporter how “it’s been a difficult environment and so hard for people to cut through and see who is doing what.” But Ohio families know exactly what Betty is doing. She is raising taxes, cutting funds to Medicare and supporting Barack Obama’s job-crushing policies.

So why would Betty Sutton want to highlight what she has done in Congress? Let’s look at what she has done in Congress that would have created this “difficult environment.”

• Betty Sutton supports Barack Obama’s healthcare overhaul which will slash $500 billion from Medicare and cause a massive tax increase on Ohio families.

• Betty Sutton supports Barack Obama’s failed stimulus which has not kept unemployment under 8 percent as promised.

• Betty Sutton supports Barack Obama’s job-destroying energy policies including Cap and Trade. The Wall Street Journal said, “Americans should know that those
Members who vote for this climate bill are voting for what is likely to be the biggest tax in American history. Even Democrats can’t repeal that reality.”

• Betty Sutton in Congress puts Nancy Pelosi once step closer to being Speaker of the House again.

Ohio families are not amused with Betty’s support of Barack Obama disastrous policies.

NRCC Statement: “It might be difficult for Betty Sutton to see why her tax and spend agenda isn’t fixing Ohio’s economy but Ohio families understand her votes in Congress show her allegiance is to Washington Democrats, not Ohio families.” – NRCC Spokeswoman Katie Prill