If The ‘Stimulus’ Is Working, Why Hold a Jobs Summit?

December 3, 2009

If The ‘Stimulus’ Is Working, Why Hold a Jobs Summit?

Democrats Rhetorically Back Their Failed Spending Spree but Run for Political Cover with Sham Summit


“If the ‘stimulus’ is working as well as Democrats claim, what’s the point of their latest public relations stunt? The answer is obvious: This is a transparent act of political cover since Democrats still cannot answer the fundamental question: Where are the jobs? Washington Democrats are happy to surround themselves with the same partisan yes-men that endorsed their last failed spending spree as they prepare another stimulus that is sure to waste billions of taxpayer dollars with more tepid results.” – NRCC Communications Director Ken Spain


Examples of House Democrats Insisting that their Spending Spree is Working as Unemployment Climbs to Double Digits:

Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-MD): “There’s been a sense out there because unemployment remains unacceptably high that somehow that means the economic recovery plan is not working…” (Alex Isenstadt, “Parties Launch Stimulus P.R. Offensives,” Politico, 11/28/09)

Rep. Vic Snyder (D-AR): “I think the stimulus program is working…And it is working about like I thought it would, which is that money is spread out…I think the agreement, the consensus is that it is working. But it still is working as it goes along.” (Snyder, Fox News’ “Your World with Neil Cavuto,” 11/25/09)

Rep. John Boccieri (D-OH): “These Recovery dollars put our people back to work rebuilding our economy by teaching our workers the skills required to succeed…” (John Boccieri Press Release, November 2009)

Rep. David Obey (D-WI): “…Democratic Representative Dave Obey says it’s now clear the country benefited greatly from the federal stimulus.” (Ben Obelisk, “Obey Says GDP Rise Good, but Long Road to Recovery Still Ahead,” WSAW, 10/31/09)

Rep. Stephanie Herseth Sandlin (D-SD): “Congresswoman Stephanie Herseth-Sandlin says it has worked for the state in so many ways… She said the list is long about how targeted investments through the stimulus provided assistance…” (“Thune Says It Didn’t, Herseth Sandlin Says It Did,” KOTA, 10/29/09)

Rep. Phil Hare (D-IL): “During a stop at Monmouth City Hall, Hare touted the projects funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), including about $300,000 for the resurfacing of North Main Street — which he called an ‘ARRA success story.’” (Matt Hutton, “Hare promotes infrastructure,” Monmouth Daily Review Atlas, October 24, 2009)

Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-VA): “Today, the evidence is overwhelming that the stimulus is working… The economy is stabilizing… To change course now would be a serious mistake that could cause us to slip back into recession.” (Chat with Rep. Gerry Connolly, Washington Post, 9/24/09)

Rep. Bobby Bright (D-AL): “Even though we might want to criticize, something’s going on. Something’s stabilizing. What else would he do when all the experts were telling him he had to do this. I would have done it differently, but let’s give it time and see what happens.” (Holli Keaton, “Bright Addresses Three Hot Topics,” Troy Messenger, August 25, 2009)

Rep. Travis Childers (D-MS): “Representative Travis Childers (D-Mississippi) says he does not regret voting for the bill in February. ‘I think that the stimulus is helping; I think it is working,’ he shares.” (Jim Brown, “Blue Dog Dem Claims ‘Stimulus’ Is Working,” OneNewsNow, August 24, 2009)

Rep. Mike Doyle (D-PA): “STIMULUS IS WORKING: The bottom line is that there are a lot of positive signs that the actions we’ve taken are having the effect we intended.  There’s reason to believe that the recession has bottomed out and that the recovery may be beginning.  This is welcome news.” (Mike Doyle Press Release, August 7, 2009)
