Altmire Roasted Over Reckless Spending

September 1, 2010

Altmire Roasted Over Reckless Spending
Pennsylvania Families “Vent Anger” for Stimulus Vote, Dems’ Failed Economic Agenda


Democrats Expected a Free Ride This Recess:

“After a jam-packed legislative session marked by the passage of controversial bills like Wall Street reform, Democrats will hit the campaign trail armed with talking points to draw distinctions between the two parties. And the Democratic leadership is predicting they will get a gentler reception this time.” (Alex Altman, “Recess ’10: Democrats Work to Ensure a Friendlier Reception This Year,” TIME, 8/2/10)

Recess Roasting: Pennsylvania Families Blast Altmire Over Reckless Runaway Spending Spree:

U.S. Rep. Jason Altmire’s town hall meeting in Springdale attracted members of the Tea Party movement, and much of the discussion drew ire from those in attendance.

Topics in the open forum ranged from federal spending to health care to illegal immigration.

On those issues, among others, the McCandless Democrat said he’s voted against party leadership, and with his constituents.

Sheila Paul, of Ross Township, held her 8-week-old grandson and told Altmire that the infant is already $40,000 in debt.

Paul said her daughter is serving in active duty in the military, and asked what she’s defending, if it’s a nation that continues to recklessly spend.

Her remarks drew a standing ovation from the audience of about 70 people.

She questioned Altmire’s vote on the stimulus bill. Altmire said that one-third of the stimulus was tax cuts that affected 95 percent of Americans and that the bill funded infrastructure such as the VA Butler Healthcare hospital.

Paul further pressed, asking for Altmire’s annual salary, to which he responded $174,000.

When questioned on repealing the health-care bill, audience members applauded.

While Altmire said the bill should not have been passed, but he also said there will not be the votes to overturn the bill. He said he understands constituents’ anger.

“Repeal is not a viable option,” Altmire said, drawing murmurs and shouts of “repeal it” from the audience.

“I don’t support doing something that has absolutely no chance at success,” he said.(Rossilynne Skena, “Attendees at Altmire’s Town Hall Meeting Vent Anger Over Policies,” Valley News Dispatch, 9/01/2010)

To read the full article, click here.
