State's Unemployment Rate Jeopardizes Target Dems’ Reelection

October 22, 2010

FYI, a version of the release below went out to the following incumbent and challenger districts: John Adler (NJ-03); Jason Altmire (PA-04); Michael Arcuri (NY-24); John Barrow (GA-12); Ami Bera (CA-03); Sanford Bishop (GA-02); Tim Bishop (NY-01); John Boccieri (OH-16); Allen Boyd (FL-02); Bobby Bright (AL-02); Paula Brooks (OH-12); John Callahan (PA-15); Dennis Cardoza (CA-18); Russ Carnahan (MO-03); Chris Carney (PA-10); John Carney (DE-AL); Ben Chandler (KY-06); Chad Causey (AR-01); Travis Childers (MS-01); Jim Costa (CA-20); Joe Courtney (CT-02); Mark Critz (PA-12); Kathy Dahlkemper (PA-03); Lincoln Davis (TN-04); Suzan DelBene (WA-08); Peter DeFazio (OR-04); Joe Donnelly (IN-02); Steve Driehaus (OH-01); Chet Edwards (TX-17); Lori Edwards (FL-12); Joyce Elliott (AR-02); Bob Etheridge (NC-02); Bill Foster (IL-14); Barney Frank (MA-04); Joe Garcia (FL-25); Gabby Giffords (AZ-08); Alan Grayson (FL-08); Raul Grijalva (AZ-07); John Hall (NY-19); Debbie Halvorson (IL-11); Colleen Hanabusa (HI-01); Phil Hare (IL-17); Denny Heck (WA-03); Martin Heinrich (NM-01); Roy Herron (TN-08); Brian Higgins (NY-27); Baron Hill (IN-09); Jim Himes (CT-04); Maurice Hinchey (NY-22); Tim Holden (PA-17); Rush Holt (NJ-12); Steve Israel (NY-02); Steve Kagen (WI-08); Paul Kanjorski (PA-11); Marcy Kaptur (OH-09); Mary Jo Kilroy (OH-15); Ron Kind (WI-03); Ann Kirkpatrick (AZ-01); Larry Kissell (NC-08); Ron Klein (FL-22); Suzanne Kosmas (FL-24); Rick Larsen (WA-02); Julie Lassa (WI-07); Bryan Lentz (PA-07); Dan Maffei (NY-25); Betsy Markey (CO-04); Jim Marshall (GA-08); Jim Matheson (UT-02); Carolyn McCarthy (NY-04); Gary McDowell (MI-01); Jim McGovern (MA-03); Mike McIntyre (NC-07); Michael McMahon (NY-13); Jerry McNerney (CA-11); Michael Michaud (ME-02); Walt Minnick (ID-01); Harry Mitchell (AZ-05); Chris Murphy (CT-05); Patrick Murphy (PA-08); Scott Murphy (NY-20); Glenn Nye (VA-02); Mike Oliverio (WV-01); Solomon Ortiz (TX-27); Bill Owens (NY-23); Ed Perlmutter (CO-07); Chellie Pingree (ME-01); Gary Peters (MI-09); Steve Pougnet (CA-45); Steve Raby (AL-05); Nick Rahall (WV-03); Ciro Rodriguez (TX-23); Mike Ross (AR-04); John Salazar (CO-03); Loretta Sanchez (CA-47); Mark Schauer (MI-07); Kurt Schrader (OR-05); Dan Seals (IL-10); Heath Shuler (NC-11); Ike Skelton (MO-04); Zack Space (OH-18); John Spratt (SC-05); Betty Sutton (OH-13); Gene Taylor (MS-04); Harry Teague (NM-02); Dina Titus (NV-03); Manan Trivedi (PA-06); Niki Tsongas (MA-05); Trent Van Haaften (IN-08); Tim Walz (MN-01); Charlie Wilson (OH-06); David Wu (OR-01) and John Yarmuth (KY-03).

Nevada’s Unemployment Rate Jeopardizes Titus’ Reelection
Struggling Middle-Class Families Will Remember the Poor Economy November 2nd
Washington – In what is shaping up to be a catastrophic election year for Dina Titus, the embattled Democrat just got some more bad news with her state’s unemployment rate remaining at 14.4 percent. As voters head the polls in less than two weeks, they will have Nevada’s dire economic state on their mind. In a time where pink slips are more abundant than new jobs, the outlook for reelection doesn’t look good for out-of-touch Democrats like Dina Titus who have rubberstamped their party’s destructive economic agenda. With House Democrats’ prospects of retaining their majority growing slimmer by the day – Will Titus survive the anti-Democrat tide?

“Dina Titus set herself up for failure when she rubberstamped her party’s reckless economic policies at the expense of Nevada families,” said NRCC Communications Director Ken Spain. “Now, as she attempts to crawl from the political grave she dug for herself, Titus will soon bare the backlash from her tax-and-spend agenda as Nevada voters anxiously wait to hold her accountable in November. With less than two weeks to go – Will Titus survive the anti-Democrat tide?”

According to new polling, the votes Democrats have cast over the past couple of years will come back to “haunt” them on Election Day.

“‘A new poll from Ramussen Reports shows votes on the auto bailout and stimulus bill are fueling voter opposition toward incumbents. ‘Incumbents beware: The major votes you’ve cast in Congress over the past couple years appear likely to come back to haunt you this Election Day,’ the organization stated.

“Findings show that 53 percent of likely voters will not support representatives who backed the bailout of GM and Chrysler. Fifty percent of voters will not back incumbents who supported the $787 billion stimulus bill. On healthcare, 50 percent refuse to support incumbents who backed reform.” (Jay Heflin, “Poll: Incumbents who backed bailout, stimulus face tough reelection,” The Hill, 10/20/2010)

With up to 99 seats in play, Republicans are poised make substantial gains in the House:

“With two weeks remaining until Election Day, the political map has expanded to put Democrats on the run across the country – with 99 Democratic-held House seats now in play, according to a POLITICO analysis, and Republicans well in reach of retaking the House.

“It’s a dramatic departure from the outlook one year ago – and a broader landscape than even just prior to the summer congressional recess. As recently as early September, many Republicans were hesitant to talk about winning a majority for fear of overreaching.” (Alex Isenstadt, “99 Dem House seats in danger,” Politico, 10/19/2010)
