Economic Woes Continue While Target Dems Focus on Job-Killing Healthcare Agenda

March 26, 2010

FYI, a version of the release below went out to the following districts: Melissa Bean (IL-08); Sanford Bishop (GA-02); Tim Bishop (NY-01); John Boccieri (OH-16); Allen Boyd (FL-02); Dennis Cardoza (CA-18); Russ Carnahan (MO-03); Chris Carney (PA-10); Gerry Connolly (VA-11); Jim Costa (CA-20); Joe Courtney (CT-02); Kathy Dahlkemper (PA-03); Steve Driehaus (OH-01); Bill Foster (IL-14); Gabby Giffords (AZ-08); Alan Grayson (FL-08); John Hall (NY-19); Debbie Halvorson (IL-11); Martin Heinrich (NM-01); Baron Hill (IN-09); Jim Himes (CT-04); Rush Holt (NJ-12); Steve Kagen (WI-08); Paul Kanjorski (PA-11); Mary Jo Kilroy (OH-15); Ron Kind (WI-03); Ann Kirkpatrick (AZ-01); Ron Klein (FL-22); Suzanne Kosmas (FL-24); Rick Larsen (WA-02); Dave Loebsack (IA-02); Dan Maffei (NY-25); Betsy Markey (CO-04); Jerry McNerney (CA-11); Alan Mollohan (WV-01); Chris Murphy (CT-05); Patrick Murphy (PA-08); Scott Murphy (NY-20); David Obey (WI-07); Bill Owens (NY-23); Ed Perlmutter (CO-07); Tom Perriello (VA-05); Gary Peters (MI-09); Nick Rahall (WV-03); Ciro Rodriguez (TX-23); John Salazar (CO-03); Loretta Sanchez (CA-47); Mark Schauer (MI-07); Carol Shea-Porter (NH-01); John Spratt (SC-05); Bart Stupak (MI-01); Betty Sutton (OH-13); Dina Titus (NV-03); Niki Tsongas (MA-05); Tim Walz (MN-01); Charlie Wilson (OH-06) and John Yarmuth (KY-03). 

Economic Woes Continue While Sanchez Focuses on Job-Killing Healthcare Agenda

High Unemployment Remains After Dems Took Their Eye Off The Ball For Gov’t Takeover


Washington- As California’s economy struggles to get back on track with a disappointing 12.5 percent unemployment rate, Loretta Sanchez continues to do everything she can to derail it. After rubber-stamping hundreds of billions of dollars in runaway government spending by supporting her party’s failed stimulus, Sanchez and her party leaders spent over a year taking their eye off the ball to focus on a job-killing healthcare bill. With her vote for a bill that sticks the middle class and small businesses with billions of dollars in new taxes, Sanchez has sent a loud and clear signal that she has no problem with digging the nation’s economy into an even deeper hole just to pass her party’s radical agenda.


Sanchez’s healthcare bill will not only cost jobs, but will put businesses across the country in a financial bind by imposing new penalties and regulations on them.


“Caterpillar Inc. lobbied to keep the U.S. from taxing a subsidy on retiree drug benefits. It lost the battle when President Barack Obama signed an almost $1 trillion health-care overhaul into law this week. The world’s largest maker of bulldozers put a price tag on that defeat yesterday: a $100 million charge to earnings.” (Edmond Lococo, Ryan Donmoyer and Pat Wechsler, “Obama Tax’s $14 Billion Charge Starts at Caterpillar,” Business Week, 3/25/2010)


“…Steamboat Ski Area officials said Tuesday that the federal health care overhaul could cost their business as much as $2 million a year beginning in 2014. The health care overhaul includes a policy that would assess a fine, per employee, to large businesses that do not provide health care to full-time workers.” (Mike Lawrence, “Health policy raises red flags at Steamboat Ski Area,” Steamboat Pilot, 3/24/2010)


“A dire warning from Bay State medical-device companies that a new sales tax in the federal health-care law could force their plants – and thousands of jobs – out of the country has rattled Gov. Deval Patrick, a staunch backer of the law and pal President Obama. “This bill is a jobs killer,” said Ernie Whiton, chief financial officer of Chelmsford’s Zoll Medical Corp., which employs about 650 people in Massachusetts. Many of those employees work in Zoll’s local manufacturing facility making heart defibrillators. ‘We could be forced to (move) manufacturing overseas if we can’t pass along these costs to our customers,’ said Whiton.’” (Jay Fitzgerald, “Beware the ‘Jobs Killer,’ Boston Herald, 3/25/10)


According to the state of California, Sanchez’s healthcare bill will cost the state up to $3 billion dollars every year:


“The landmark federal reforms could cost the state $2 billion to $3 billion annually. State officials say there needs to be more of a partnership with the U.S. government.


Figure $2 billion to $3 billion. That’s the state of California’s rough estimate of what national healthcare expansion ultimately will cost it each year. (George Skelton, “California could take big hit from healthcare overhaul,” Los Angeles Times, 3/24/2010)


“A struggling economy isn’t enough incentive to stop Loretta Sanchez from backing another piece of her party’s wasteful, job-killing agenda,” said NRCC Communications Director Ken Spain. “Last Sunday, Sanchez added her name to a lengthy list of vulnerable Democrats after ignoring California families and backing her party bosses in their last-ditch attempt to pass their politically toxic healthcare agenda. Her support for a government takeover of healthcare that will leave middle-class families stuck with a nearly trillion dollar tab may spell the end of Sanchez’s political career. Just when California taxpayers think that their economic outlook may have hit rock bottom, Loretta Sanchez keeps on digging.”


Will Sanchez join the many unemployed California taxpayers looking for jobs in November?

