Matheson’s Revolving Door for Special Interests

September 11, 2009

Matheson’s Revolving Door for Special Interests

Registered Lobbyist Tied to Campaign Contributions Hired as Matheson’s Head Staffer


Washington– Democrat Jim Matheson just hired a new chief of staff, Amy Andryszak, to his Washington office, but one thing is not so new – their relationship. Amy Andryszak previously worked as a lobbyist for AT&T and Americans Osteopathic Information Association (AOA), two companies that have filled Matheson’s campaign coffers over the years.


“Matheson said Wednesday he has hired Amy M. Andryszak, who is currently registered as an advocate for AT&T, to head his staff in Washington. Andryszak formerly lobbied for the American Osteopathic Association.” (Thomas Burr, “Matheson hires lobbyist as new chief of staff,” The Salt Lake City Tribune, 09/09/09)


Over the course of 2003-2004 while Andryszak worked for AOA, the AOA PAC gave a total of $9,783 to Matheson’s campaign and during her time at AT&T, its PAC contributed $15,000 to Matheson for Congress.


“Has Jim Matheson really been in Washington so long that he doesn’t even think twice about putting out the welcome mat for a lobbyist to take his top staff position?,” said NRCC Communications Director Ken Spain. “By hiring a Washington lobbyist to run his office, Matheson has made it clear that he has completely lost touch with the Utah families he’s supposed to represent and instead has been representing the special interests in Washington.”


And as one person representing special interests enters, another one departs:

Rep. Jim Matheson’s longtime chief of staff is leaving her Capitol Hill job to become a lobbyist. (Thomas Burr, “Matheson’s staff chief quits for lobbying gig,” The Salt Lake City Tribune, 09/08/09)


“[Amy] Alexander is taking a job with Elmendorf Strategies, a D.C.-based Democratic firm with big name clients, including Ford Motor Co., Microsoft, Delta Airlines, Time Warner and UnitedHealth Group. The firm’s clients also include Shell Oil and the American Wind Energy Association.” (Thomas Burr, “Matheson hires lobbyist as new chief of staff,” The Salt Lake City Tribune, 09/09/09)


Perhaps, if Matheson paid as much attention to his constituents as he did special interest groups, Utahns would be much more satisfied with his performance.


Sources:  Senate Lobbying Disclosure Database, accessed 09/10/09 and Congressional Quarterly MoneyLine, accessed 09/10/09

