Kurt Schrader Gets A Little Help From His Partisan Friends

February 16, 2010

Kurt Schrader Gets A Little Help From His Partisan Friends

Democrat Committee Chairman Raises Much Needed Campaign Cash for His Lap Dog, Schrader


Washington- After supporting his party leaders nearly 97 percent of the time, it’s no wonder that Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) Chairman Chris Van Hollen is so eager to help Rep. Kurt Schrader out by lining his campaign coffers. With a bruising re-election coming up in November, Schrader will need all the help he can get. Schrader’s repeated rubber-stamping of his party’s runaway spending spree has put him at odds with Oregon families and his reckless support for his party’s disastrous policies is proof-positive that the once seemingly independent Congressman has now become a lap dog to his party’s radical agenda.


Schrader supported his party’s failed stimulus, which was so ineffective it is going to cost Oregon families more money than originally forecasted:


“The nonpartisan CBO, in a new report looking at the country’s financial outlook, also found that the country faces giant budget deficits for the foreseeable future and has the biggest debt problem it has seen since just after World War II. The report is designed to give Congress guidance as it prepares to receive President Obama’s budget for fiscal year 2011.


“The CBO now says the stimulus package, passed by Congress last February, will cost $862 billion over 10 years because of the added unemployment-related costs. The program had originally been estimated to cost $787 billion when Mr. Obama signed it in February.” (Stephen Dinan, “Tab From Stimulus Program Jumps, CBO Says,” Washington Times, 1/26/010)


Now, his partisan voting record has put him at odds with Oregon’s moderate voters and even his fellow Democrats see his re-election as an uphill battle:


“Meredith Wood Smith, Oregon’s Democratic chair, said that two Democratic House incumbents, Reps. Kurt Schrader and David Wu, in her deep-blue state could have trouble this fall.


‘“I think Schrader has a tough district,’ Wood said, adding that Wu has a GOP opponent who had the potential to raise cash. ‘We’re going to be really watching both those races.’” (Jonathan Martin and Alex Isenstadt, “November chill seizes DNC meeting,” Politico, 2/06/2010)


“It didn’t take long for Kurt Schrader to become a partisan lap dog,” said NRCC Communications Director Ken Spain. “Within Schrader’s short stint as a Congressman, he has already backed a failed stimulus, a disastrous healthcare overhaul and a national energy tax that will kill jobs and mount more debt on the backs of middle-class families. After supporting his party’s radical agenda nearly 97 percent of the time, Oregon families can be assured that the seemingly independent Congressman they sent to Congress is now a rubber stamp to his party’s radical agenda.”

