NRCC Launches New Website and Video: Who is Larry Kissell?

May 30, 2012

 NRCC Launches New Website and Video: Who is Larry Kissell?
Kissell’s Record of Being ‘Extraordinarily Irresponsible’ Has Saddled North Carolina Families With Generations of Debt

Washington — The National Republican Congressional Committee announced a new web ad and website – – exposing Larry Kissell’s commitment to his party’s reckless spending addiction that has crippled economic growth in North Carolina. In the ad, Kissell is seen standing with then-presidential hopeful John Edwards who is now facing up to 30 years in prison for allegedly accepting illegal campaign contributions and misusing them. North Carolina families have been forced to pick up the tab for Kissell’s fiscal irresponsibility as he voted for the failed $831 billion stimulus package, voted for a plan that would raise the national debt limit by $2.4 trillion and voted to keep his party’s big-government healthcare takeover the law of the land.

“John Edwards knows a lot about being extraordinarily irresponsible in private, but Larry Kissell has learned a lot about being extraordinarily irresponsible with taxpayer dollars,” said NRCC Communications Director Paul Lindsay. “With state unemployment still above nine percent, North Carolina voters cannot remain the benefactors of Larry Kissell’s debilitating addiction to his party’s out-of-control government spending.”


The script for this ad is as follows:

JOHN EDWARDS: We have gone from being financially responsible to being extraordinarily irresponsible.

ANNOUNCER: Sounds a lot like Larry Kissell’s record in Washington, D.C.

Kissell voted for the most fiscally irresponsible budget in U.S. history, the failed $831 billion stimulus and supported a plan to raise our national debt limit by $2.4 trillion.

JOHN EDWARDS: Extraordinarily irresponsible.

ANNOUNCER: To learn more go to

DISCLAIMER: The National Republican Congressional Committee is responsible for the content of this advertising.
