MADE IN DC: From Increased Healthcare Costs to Debit Card Fees, Dems’ Regulations Find New Ways to Destroy Job Creation

October 3, 2011

 From Increased Healthcare Costs to Debit Card Fees, Dems’ Regulations Find New Ways to Destroy Job Creation
Democrats Find Clever Ways to Take Millions Out of Americans’ Pockets

DC DEMOCRATS STILL DON’T GET IT: Obama promised he and his fellow Democrats would not allow big government policies from burdening the American middle class:

“Despite a January 2011 speech promising to remove all ‘outdated regulations that stifle job creation,’ the Obama administration has completed just six major deregulatory actions, saving only $1.5 billion.” (Conn Carroll, “’Durbin fee’ will cost bank customers billions,” Washington Examiner, 10/2/2011)

MADE IN WASHINGTON, DC: However, there is no end in sight to how far Washington Democrats will go to crush job growth as they impose still more excessive regulations that force consumers to pay more for less:

“According to the Heritage Foundation, since January 2009 through the middle of fiscal 2011, the Obama administration has imposed 75 new major regulations with annual costs of $38 billion. Why are health care insurance premiums rising during a recession? The percentage of Americans with health insurance fell for every demographic but one: adults age 18 to 24. For that group, health insurance enrollment soared by 2.3 million. Why? Regulation.” (Conn Carroll, “’Durbin fee’ will cost bank customers billions,” Washington Examiner, 10/2/2011)
