MADE IN DC: Under Democratic Leadership, American Families Forced to Pay More for Everyday Items

October 18, 2011

 Under Democratic Leadership, American Families Forced to Pay More for Everyday Items
The Producer Price Index Spiked in September Making It the Highest Jump in Five Months

DC DEMOCRATS STILL DON’T GET IT: Democrat leader Debbie Wasserman Shultz said in a recent interview that “anyone” could see that the American economy is on its way to recovery:

“And I think anyone who looks at the economy knows we have come a long way.”
(Craig Bannister, “‘Anyone’ Can See Economy’s Improving, DNC Chair Insists,” CNS News, 10/5/11)

MADE IN WASHINGTON, DC: It is unclear what Wasserman Shultz deems a growing economy when yet another indicator of a dangerously weak economy was announced recently:

“A surge in gas costs drove wholesale prices up in September by the most in five months.

“The Producer Price Index, which measures price changes before they reach the consumer, rose 0.8 percent in September. Energy prices climbed 2.3 percent. Wholesale gas prices jumped by the most since March.

“Food prices also rose sharply. The costs of beef, veal and vegetables all increased.

“’Inflation is not wildly out of control but it certainly isn’t as tame as would be expected during this stage,’ said Jennifer Lee, a senior economist at BMO Capital Markets.” (Christopher S. Rugaber, “Energy costs push wholesale prices up in September,” Associated Press, 10/18/2011)
