MADE IN DC: One in Three Small Businesses Worry about Going out of Business Thanks to Dem Policies

October 25, 2011

 One in Three Small Businesses Worry about Going out of Business Thanks to Dem Policies
According to a Recent Poll, Democrats’ Big-Government Regulations Crush Small Businesses’ Hope to Grow, Create Jobs in Future

DC DEMOCRATS STILL DON’T GET IT: During this week of campaigning on the taxpayer dime, President Obama has threatened to bypass Congress in his push for more failed stimulus as part of the Democrats’ hyper-regulatory economic experiment:

“President Obama’s growing impatience with Congress’ refusal to ‘pass this bill now’ has launched a new approach — bypassing Congress by taking actions that don’t require congressional support and insisting that ‘We Can’t Wait’ for any more delays on Capitol Hill.” (“President Begins ‘We Can’t Wait’ Economic Push,” Fox News, 10/24/2011)

MADE IN WASHINGTON, DC: A recent Gallup poll exposed the frustration and worry Obama’s big-government agenda has had on small business owners as they continue to see little to no way to expand in such a highly-regulated, stagnate economy:

“Small-business owners in the United States are most likely to say complying with government regulations (22%) is the most important problem facing them today, followed by consumer confidence in the economy (15%) and lack of consumer demand (12%).”

“Looking ahead to 2012, approximately one in three small-business owners say they are very or moderately worried about going out of business. About the same number are worried about not being able to compete with large or global competitors, not being able to hire the number of employees they need, and not being able to pay their employees. Thirty percent worry they will have to reduce their number of employees.” (Dennis Jacobe, “Gov’t Regulations at Top of Small-Business Owners’ Problem List,” Gallup, 10/24/2011)
