MADE IN DC:Obama’s Job Approval Declines as Job-Destroying Policies Escalate

January 11, 2012

 Obama’s Job Approval Declines as Job-Destroying Policies Escalate
Half of Americans Think Obama’s Failed Record has Hurt the Country

DC DEMOCRATS STILL DON’T GET IT: Obama pleads with the American people to have patience, knowing that his presidency has become known for job-destroying policies and failed economic recovery:

“‘If you are willing to keep pushing through all the frustrations that we may see … change will come,’ [Obama] said. ‘Press on, everybody.'” (Laura MacInnis, “Obama pleads with voters for patience on ‘change,”‘ Reuters, 12/1/2011)

MADE IN WASHINGTON, DC: Obama can fill the airwaves with empty promises of change, but that is doing nothing to convince American families that he can get the economy back on track:

“After three years in office, what do Americans think of the President? Well, …only 43% like Barack Obama’s track record as president while half (50%) dislike it.

“Americans, especially those in the swing states, have been hurt by the economy and while it may be rebounding that needs to be perceived by voters. If it’s not, then the President has quite the uphill battle.” (“Half of Americans Dislike President Obama’s Track Record as President and Believe Positions He Has Taken as President Have Hurt the Country,” PR Newswire, 1/10/2012)
