MADE IN DC: Get Set for Insurance Premiums to ‘Dramatically Increase’ Under ObamaCare

February 13, 2012

 Get Set for Insurance Premiums to ‘Dramatically Increase’ Under ObamaCare
ObamaCare Architect’s New Analysis: Americans are ‘Losers’ Under Obama’s Takeover of Healthcare

DC DEMOCRATS STILL DON’T GET IT: Democrat leader Nancy Pelosi knew her party’s big-government healthcare overhaul was not in Americans’ best interest so she offered the details of the reform plan only after Congress passed it:

“’But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy,’ [said Pelosi].” (“Pelosi: We need to pass ObamaCare so that the public can find out what’s in the bill,” Hot Air, 3/10/2010)

MADE IN WASHINGTON, DC: Obama’s chief economist tasked with helping draft the healthcare takeover is now backtracking on his once-glowing assessment saying that some Americans will have to pay much higher premiums under the overhaul:

“Medical insurance premiums in the United States are on the rise, the chief architect of President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul has told The Daily Caller.

“Massachusetts Institute of Technology economist Jonathan Gruber …is backtracking on an analysis he provided the White House in support of the 2010 Affordable Care Act, informing officials in three states that the price of insurance premiums will dramatically increase under the reforms.”

“’It is true that even after tax credits some individuals are ‘losers,’’ he conceded, ‘in that they pay more than before [Obama’s] reform.’” (Myles Miller, “Obamacare architect: Expect steep increase in health care premiums,” The Daily Caller, 2/11/2012)
