MADE IN DC: Looming Costs and Regulations of Government Healthcare Takeover Make Small Businesses Fearful of Hiring

February 15, 2012

 Looming Costs and Regulations of Government Healthcare Takeover Make Small Businesses Fearful of Hiring
A New Gallup Poll Shows Eighty-Five Percent of Business Owners Aren’t Taking On New Workers

DC DEMOCRATS STILL DON’T GET IT: Unable to see the detrimental effects of her party’s policies, a delirious Nancy Pelosi boasts that Obama’s policies, like his government takeover of healthcare and taxpayer-funded nearly one trillion dollar stimulus, have supported job growth:


“’President Obama has been a job creator since Day One,’ [said Pelosi].” (Nancy Pelosi Statement on John King, USA, CNN, 1/24/2012)

MADE IN WASHINGTON, DC: According to a new Gallup poll, small business owners are feeling the intense burdens of Obama’s job-killing policies as they hold back hiring because of his hyper-regulatory policies and soaring healthcare costs:
“An overwhelming majority of small-business owners surveyed, 85 percent, indicated that they are currently not looking for new workers. Asked why, 48 percent of those not hiring said it was due to concerns about possible rising health care costs, while 46 percent said they were worried about new government regulations.” (MJ Lee, “Poll: Small-business owners fear health care costs,” Politico, 2/15/2012)
