MADE IN DC: Not Doing Fine: Obama’s Secretary of Agriculture Claims Economy Has ‘Turned The Corner’

June 21, 2012

Not Doing Fine: Obama’s Secretary of Agriculture Claims Economy Has ‘Turned The Corner’
Democrats Refuse to Take Responsibility for Dismal State of the Economy

DC DEMOCRATS STILL DON’T GET IT: Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack Said The Economy Has "Obviously Turned The Corner" And Is Improving:

"’While this economy has gone through a rough patch, a very difficult recession, we’ve turned the corner. The president is working hard to build an economy that is built to last, and by that I mean one that will support the middle class and strengthen the middle class,’ [said Vilsack]." ("Tom Vilsack: Economy Has ‘Turned The Corner,’" Real Clear Politics,

MADE IN WASHINGTON, DC: Yet As Washington Democrats Continue To Embellish Their Failed Economic Policies, Gloomy Wall Street Forecasts And The Federal Reserve Reported Growth in Unemployment, Increased Inflation:

"So the best case forecast is 2.4% growth and 8.0% unemployment. Given what we’ve seen so far—and what’s happening in Europe—1.9% GDP growth and 8.2% unemployment seems more likely." (James Pethokoukis, "The Big Downgrade: Federal Reserve slashes 2012 economic forecast," AEI Ideas,
