MADE IN WASHINGTON: Washington Democrats’ Budget Plan Robs Taxpayers of Another $2 Trillion

April 19, 2011

Washington Democrats’ Budget Plan Robs Taxpayers of Another $2 Trillion
Democrats Use “Fuzzy Math” to Hide Truth: $2 Trillion in Job-Destroying Tax Hikes

DC DEMOCRATS STILL DON’T GET IT: With rising prices threatening an economic recovery, last week Washington Democrats once again doubled down on their failed policies of more job-destroying taxes:

“We then say that we need to find a trillion dollars in revenues that wouldn’t hurt the middle class, but would affect people like you and me, George, who can pay a little bit more.” (“Exclusive Interview with Obama: Video and Part One of the Transcript,” ABC News’ George’s Bottom Line Blog, 4/14/11)

MADE IN WASHINGTON, DC: Unfortunately for Democrats, recent reports reveal that Democrats covered up their real plan to tax even more – $2 trillion in tax hikes or double what was previously indicated. It turns out the Democrat plan is nothing more than the same old out-of-touch Democrat ideas wrapped up with Made-in-Washington math:

“Talk about fuzzy math. President Obama claims higher taxes will account for a mere third — $1 trillion — of his proposed $3 trillion debt reduction over 12 years, not counting less interest expense. Wrong. The actual number is probably around 50 percent of $4 trillion in savings — some $2 trillion — and could be closer to 60 percent. (More details below.) Instead of offering a template for a Grand Compromise, Obama seems to have created a Grand Obfuscation.

“This is just one example among many that shows how Obama’s much-hyped new budget plan is actually neither new nor a budget nor a plan. To the extent that it’s even a “framework” — to grant the White House its preferred descriptor — it’s one whose ideas and goals are precariously fastened together by the chewing gum and sticky tape of rosy economic assumptions and fiscal opacity. Then again, the core purpose isn’t budgetary balance but political persuasion.” (James Pethokoukis, “Obama’s $2 trillion stealth tax hike,” Reuters’ James Pethokoukis Blog, 4/17/11)

Democrats’ $2 Trillion Job-Destroying Tax Hike Plan Uses More Washington “Fuzzy Math” #MadeinWDC
