Nancy Pelosi: Master Ventriloquist to Target Dems

August 7, 2009

FYI, a version of the release below went out to the following districts: Betsy Markey (CO-04); Ed Perlmutter (CO-07); and John Salazar (CO-03).


Nancy Pelosi: Master Ventriloquist to Betsy Markey

During A Colorado Show, Pelosi Makes Markey Her Dummy by Speaking For Her on Healthcare


Washington- During her recent trip to Colorado, Pelosi attempted to make the argument that Democrats are united regarding a government takeover of healthcare. Despite numerous reports telling a drastically different tale, Pelosi simply stated:

“Contrary to reports of squabbling between liberal and conservative Democrats, Pelosi insisted members of the party were on the same page — if not the same paragraph. ‘Do we have a diversity of opinion? Yes,’ she said. ‘But we do not have a split in the party.’ She ended her brief appearance by pledging victory in the health care battle. ‘When we are ready, we will bring a bill to the floor,’ she said. ‘And when we do, we will succeed.” (John Ingold, Pelosi visits Denver clinic, says Dems united on health reform, Denver Post, 8/06/2009)


Imagine the shock this must have caused for Markey’s Colorado constituents after their elected representative so openly voiced her many concerns on the Democrats’ government-run healthcare plan:


“The cost has to be paramount. We already spend so much on health care already — it’s doubled over the last 10 years. We have got to find some savings in health care.’


‘With or without a reform plan, government health costs are going to go up soon’, Markey said.


‘We’ve got 70 million new people coming into Medicare in the next three years, and that concerns me, how we’re going to be able to afford it,’ she said.


‘If the ‘public option’ is self-supporting, if it competes on a level playing field … I may be able to support it,’ Markey said. ‘But I don’t know these things yet.”  (Longmont Times Call, During Markey visit, discussion quickly turns to health care, June 21, 2009)


“Coloradans should be livid,” said NRCC Communications Director Ken Spain. “They elected Betsy Markey to Congress as their ‘representative,” but rather than representing their best interest Markey has allowed Nancy Pelosi to control the show. Instead of taking a stand yesterday for Coloradans by openly expressing her concerns over government-run healthcare, Markey took a backseat to Pelosi’s overbearing ride.”


Will Markey take this as a lesson learned and stand up for her constituents best interests, or will she continue to be the ventriloquist’s dummy?

