NRCC Launches Countdown to “Doctor Pelosi”

November 5, 2009

NRCC Launches Countdown to “Doctor Pelosi”
Democrats Want Rapid Vote on Government Healthcare Takeover

Washington –
The National Republican Congressional Committee released a new healthcare clock on, counting down the time until the official floor vote on the Democrats’ healthcare bill. According to the bi-partisan “72-hour resolution,” all non-emergency legislation must be posted on the Internet at least 72 hours prior to consideration by the House. The countdown to “Doctor Pelosi” demonstrates that in order to finish reading the 1990-page bill in its entirety and under the 72-hour time period, one must average reading a page of dense legislative language every 2+ minutes. In addition, the page features a countdown of what page you should currently be on in order to get through the entire bill before going to the House floor on Saturday.

In the past, Congress has failed to give the public enough time to read major bills before being voted on.

“It’s just common sense: the American people should be given time to read major bills before they come to a vote in Congress,” House Republican leader John Boehner said….

“‘A pork-laden ‘stimulus’ spending bill, a debt-laden budget, a job-killing national energy tax and other bills have been rammed through the House by Speaker Nancy Pelosi without even allowing the American people to know what’s in the bills,’ Boehner said.” (Susan Jones, “New Push Wednesday to Post House Bills Online Before Lawmakers Vote on Them,” CNS News, 09/23/2009)


“Washington Democrats are in a hurry to pass Nancy Pelosi’s monstrous 1990 page healthcare bill, because they know that if people actually took the time to analyze it they would see that this is yet another bill that will raise taxes, devastate small businesses, and result in significant job loss,” said NRCC Communications Director Ken Spain. “Democrats think they can swindle their massive government healthcare takeover without listening to the American people or giving the public the time to read what’s in the legislation. How many more radical government spending sprees will Democrats force upon Americans before they finally realize that their failed policies are stopping economic recovery in its tracks?”


