NRCC Launches New TV Ad: What are Target Dems Helping Pelosi and Obama Cook Up?

August 31, 2009

FYI, a version of the release below went out to the following districts: Bill Foster (IL-14) and Frank Kratovil (MD-01).


NRCC Launches New TV Ad: What is Bill Foster Helping Pelosi and Obama Cook Up?

Democrats Look To Foster As They Push Their Healthcare Experiment


Washington– Bill Foster will feel the heat cranked up another notch at home this August. The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) has released a new television ad targeting the Illinois congressman for playing the role of a loyal pawn in the Pelosi-Obama healthcare experiment. As Democrats continue to cook up a healthcare plan that will lead to higher costs, higher taxes, fewer jobs, and massive cuts to Medicare, Illinoisans have plenty of reasons to be concerned that Foster will once again be Nancy Pelosi’s yes-man as she attempts to force her healthcare takeover through Congress.


“Bill Foster’s proven track record of embracing Nancy Pelosi’s San Francisco values at the expense of his constituents doesn’t bode well for those Illinois families who oppose his party’s government healthcare takeover,” said Communications Director Ken Spain. “As Nancy Pelosi and President Obama hound Foster for his vote, Illinoisans should be concerned that their Congressman will once again fold to their demands. With disapproval of government-run healthcare mounting, will Foster support yet another faulty Democrat experiment only to have it blow up in his face?”


Click here to watch:

Ad script:


NARRATOR: President Obama and Nancy Pelosi are cooking up a risky experiment, on health care. Higher costs, tax hikes, and, get this, massive cuts to Medicare.


The Obama/Pelosi plan would cut Medicare by 500 billion, and they want Bill Foster to go along with it.


Foster already votes with Pelosi 90% of the time, now what do you think he’ll do?


Call Foster, tell him to oppose Pelosi’s cuts to Medicare.


DISCLAIMER: The National Republican Congressional Committee is responsible for the content of this advertising.

