New NRCC Video Highlights Russ Carnahan’s “Unconditional Support” for Obama’s Failed Policies

November 17, 2011

 New NRCC Video Highlights Russ Carnahan’s “Unconditional Support” for Obama’s Failed Policies
In the Past, Missouri Democrat Blindly Backed Obama up to “99 Percent” of the Time

Washington — Today, the National Republican Congressional Committee draws attention to Carnahan’s commitment to Obama in a newly-released video highlighting how President Obama can count on Russ Carnahan’s “unconditional support” as he doubles down on his failed political agenda in Washington. From supporting Obama’s government takeover of healthcare to his failed stimulus package, Carnahan proves that he is standing next to Obama, not Missouri families.

“Russ Carnahan’s support for ObamaCare and the Democrats’ big-spending agenda is out-of-touch with Missouri’s working families,” said NRCC Communications Director Paul Lindsay. “Carnahan can try to cover up his liberal priorities, but Missourians understand that the true Russ Carnahan will support President Obama’s spending addiction which has made the economy worse and left future generations indebted to foreign countries like China.”

Since being in Congress, Russ Carnahan has voted with President Obama up to “99 percent” of the time. (Representative Russ Carnahan CQ Member Profile: Voting Series, Accessed 11/17/2011)

To view the NRCC web video, click here.

The script for the ad is as follows:

ANNOUNCER 1: This season Team Obama has what Russ Carnahan calls his ‘unconditional support.’

ANNOUNCER 2: That won’t sit well here in Missouri.

ANNOUNCER 1: No it won’t, John, Shouldn’t come as a surprise though. Look at Carnahan’s stats last season, he backed Obama up to 99 percent of the time. Supporting the wasteful stimulus, the healthcare boondoggle and a crushing national energy tax.

ANNOUNCER 2: And just last week, he signed on for more Stimulus spending.

ANNOUNCER 1: Someone’s gotta throw a flag on him there.

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