Justin Bernier Advances to ‘On the Radar’

July 21, 2011

Justin Bernier Advances to ‘On the Radar’
Connecticut Republican Candidate Takes Big First Step to Achieving ‘Young Gun’ Status

Washington — The National Republican Congressional Committee today announced Justin Bernier as an ‘On the Radar’ candidate, the important first step in the ‘Young Guns’ program. Founded during the 2007-2008 election cycle by Reps. Eric Cantor (R-VA), Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and Paul Ryan (R-WI), the ‘Young Guns’ program is a Member-driven effort that is the primary method for recruiting strong candidates for both open-seat and challenger races. Bernier is running for Connecticut’s Fifth Congressional District, which is an open seat because Rep. Chris Murphy is running for U.S. Senate.

“We are looking forward to working with Justin Bernier, who has already proven himself by meeting rigorous benchmarks in the ‘Young Guns’ program,” said NRCC Chairman Pete Sessions (R-TX). “Justin Bernier’s dedication and experience enables him to advocate effectively for pro-growth policies and fight the failed Democrat status quo in Washington. This will stand in stark contrast to Washington’s out-of-control record of spending, borrowing and taxing that Connecticut families and small businesses know has failed.”

Specifically, the ‘Young Guns’ program encourages candidates who have proven their ability to meet crucial campaign benchmarks to develop their campaigns further in order to achieve victory on Election Day. In achieving ‘On the Radar’ status, Bernier has met the first set of these organizational and fundraising benchmarks and has already begun to establish himself as a strong contender. Bernier will now work toward even higher goals that will help him advance in the ‘Young Guns’ program and build an effective, winning campaign.

Justin Bernier is an intelligence officer in the U.S. Navy Reserve, having served in Afghanistan in 2007 where he received the Joint Service Commendation Medal for his service. Bernier then served in Governor Jodi Rell’s Administration as the Executive Director of the Office of Military Affairs and the youngest member of the Governor’s cabinet. Bernier will use his wealth of experience to fight the failed big-government status quo in Washington championed by the Democrats in order to restore pro-growth policies that will restore fiscal responsibility and job creation to America.
