New NRCC TV Ad: Garamendi and Obama Gambled American Tax Dollars on Solyndra

October 19, 2011

 New NRCC TV Ad: Garamendi and Obama Gambled American Tax Dollars on Solyndra
California Democrat Supported Obama’s Failed Economic Stimulus Which Continues to Make the Economy Worse

Washington — The National Republican Congressional Committee announced the release of a new television ad highlighting John Garamendi’s commitment to Obama’s failed fiscal policy that is making a bad economy worse. Garamendi has been a vocal supporter of the Obama policy that gambled hundreds of millions of dollars away on Solyndra, a bankrupt solar company under federal investigation.

“The policies that Obama and John Garamendi support are crippling economic recovery and crushing job growth,” said NRCC Communications Director Paul Lindsay. “With so many California families struggling to make ends meet, the last thing they need is Washington politicians like Obama and Garamendi gambling more of their hard-earned money away. Now that Californians have seen the effects of the Democrats’ bad bet on Solyndra, it’s mind-boggling that Obama and Garamendi have the audacity to ask to double down on another failed stimulus.”

The text for this ad is as follows:

OFF SCREEN CHARACTER: “My name is Nancy and I have a problem.”


ANNOUNCER: The Washington politicians need some therapy for their addiction.

OFF SCREEN: “Hi Barack.”

ANNOUNCER: They have an addiction to wasting government money and gambling on risky loans.

The government just lost millions on a bankrupt solar energy company called Solyndra.

President Obama blamed the loss on a gambling philosophy.

OBAMA: “That’s exactly what the loan guarantee program was designed by Congress to do, was to take bets.”

ANNOUNCER: Take bets? With tax dollars?

The Obama administration loaned money to Solyndra even after they’d been warned it was financially unstable.

OBAMA: The true engine of economic growth will always be companies like Solyndra.

ANNOUNCER: John Garamendi supported the Obama policy that loaned Solyndra money.

Garamendi backed Obama’s failed stimulus economic policy.

John Garamendi and President Obama are making our economy worse.

DISCLAIMER: The National Republican Congressional Committee is responsible for the content of this advertising.
