NRCC Goes On The Air In NY-20

February 26, 2009

Politico reports that the NRCC went up today with its first radio ad in the special election race to replace Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D). Listen to the ad here.

Despite the fact that both the DCCC and NRCC have traded daily e-mail accusations about venture capitalist Scott Murphy (D) and Assemb. Min. Leader Jim Tedisco (R), this is the first time the allegations have surfaced in an advertisement. The NRCC ad, echoing earlier accusations that Murphy didn’t pay taxes in ’97 and ’98 on a company he owned, says Murphy “hasn’t been honest on his taxes, but wants to go to Washington to vote on yours. Right. Does Upstate New York really need a Wall Street insider, wheeler-dealer representing us in Congress? What do you think?”

The NRCC has also accused Murphy of missing several elections, and has even highlighted a Murphy college column that it says “slanders” Gen. Dwight Eisenhower.

The DCCC has also gone on the offensive, accusing the “career Albany politician” of failing to answer where he stands on the stimulus, and highlighting a letter he wrote on financier David Silipigno‘s behalf after the financier pleaded guilty to felonies in ’03.

An early poll for Tedisco’s camp has showed him in a commanding lead, but Murphy was able to hit the TV airwaves first. We’ll see in upcoming polling if that has been able to help him close the gap…