Hayden Rogers Is Too Scared to Face NC Seniors

August 23, 2012


Today is an important day for western North Carolina seniors as they get to ask the candidates of North Carolina’s 11th district their stance on healthcare issues that have a vital impact on seniors’ Medicare choices.

Problem is, they only get to ask one candidate because Hayden Rogers is too afraid to talk about his support for funding ObamaCare with drastic cuts to Medicare. (Asheville Citizen-Times, 3/24/2012)

Don’t forget, Hayden’s big-government healthcare takeover:

–          Cuts over $700 billion from Medicare to fund ObamaCare

–          Sets up a board of 15 unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats to make seniors’ healthcare decisions for them

NRCC COMMENT: “Hayden Rogers wants to pay for ObamaCare with $700 billion in cuts to Medicare so it’s not surprising that he would bail from facing seniors faster than a beginner skier headed towards Whoopdedoo Run. Blue Ridge seniors cannot afford to give Rogers the chance to protect ObamaCare instead of their access to Medicare.” — NRCC spokeswoman Meagan Holder