show me the money!

September 3, 2012

David Gill has gone Washington! The once self-proclaimed “independent-minded Democrat” has now decided that he will join forces with Nancy Pelosi and her Washington campaign arm to attack his opponent during his dismal fourth run for Congress.  After campaigning against taking money from Nancy Pelosi’s DCCC, David Gill is now happily taking money from the extreme liberals in Washington and showing Illinois families exactly who he is beholden to.

What David Gill didn’t count on was being called out for his hypocrite ways by local media in this ridiculous Joe Biden-worthy gaffe.

Earlier this year, when the committee supported Gill’s opponent in the Democratic primary election, he said, “They don’t like me. They like corporate funding. This party, a generation ago, decided to drink that corporate cash. They don’t like someone like me to speak out against them and it results in so many bad decisions for the American people.”

But when asked if he would take DCCC money, Gill replied, “My druthers would be no, but I can’t promise you.”

In 2006, when the group didn’t give him any money in his race against U.S. Rep. Tim Johnson, he said, “I view it as a positive thing. I tell people that I’m an independent-minded Democrat and I wouldn’t be able to make that claim if I was receiving money from the national Democrats.”

Gill is taking the help now, but look what it gets him.” (Champaign News-Gazette column by Tom Kacich)

NRCC Statement: “David Gill is finally getting attention from Nancy Pelosi and in a matter of seconds showed Illinois families that he would sell them out for her affection. While David Gill is running to the left of Pelosi, Illinoisans can count on him to represent her liberal views over Illinois families in Washington.” NRCC Spokeswoman Katie Prill