Betty Sutton Blues

September 3, 2012

As Democrats celebrate the failed policies of the last four years in Charlotte this week, Betty Sutton is sitting in Ohio with the blues knowing she can’t outwardly support her main man Barack Obama and his job-destroying policies. Taking a page out of the Nancy Pelosi campaign playbook, Sutton knew attending the convention with Obama was too toxic for her campaign and is now running full speed in the other direction.

Unfortunately for Ohioans, Sutton has rubber-stamped the Obama-Pelosi agenda while in Congress. Now many Ohio families and small businesses are struggling under the current economic policies and have Betty Sutton to thank.

Among Sutton’s major achievements:

  • $700 billion in cuts to Medicare to fund ObamaCare
  • $1 trillion failed stimulus

What the policies Sutton supports have brought us:

  • $16 trillion in debt
  • More than 43 consecutive months of unemployment above 8 percent

So, does Betty Sutton agree that Americans are better off than they were four years ago?

NRCC Statement: “Betty Sutton might wish she was celebrating with her liberal buddies in Charlotte but her work in Washington has left Ohio families struggling. Ohioans aren’t better off than they were four years ago and they have Betty Sutton and her rubber stamp ways to thank.” – NRCC Spokeswoman Katie Prill