New NRCC Ad on Gary McDowell

September 10, 2012

Over the weekend, a new NRCC ad hit the airwaves against Gary McDowell and his plan to risk seniors’ access to healthcare at the end of life. Gary McDowell said it himself, “We are taking so much money for healthcare at the end of life.” Northern Michigan seniors want to know why Gary McDowell wants to hurt them and their access to healthcare when they need it most.

Below please find the script and click HERE to watch the ad.

ANNOUNCER: You’ve seen Gary McDowell say it,

GARY MCDOWELL:  We are taking so much money for health care at the end of life.

ANNOUNCER: McDowell says, “We are taking so much money for health care at the end of life.”

MCDOWELL: At the end of life.

ANNOUNCER: McDowell supports the plan that cuts Medicare by $716 billion.

And puts a board of unelected bureaucrats in charge of Medicare decisions.

Gary McDowell.

Risking senior’s access to health care at the end of life.

DISCLAIMER: The National Republican Congressional Committee is responsible for the content of this advertising.

NRCC Statement: “Gary McDowell’s promise to take power away from patients and their doctors and telling seniors their care costs too much is truly troubling. Career politician Gary McDowell is a risk that Northern Michigan seniors can’t afford.” – NRCC Spokeswoman Katie Prill