John Barrow Caught Red Handed

September 12, 2012

“Barrow drops ‘stim’ support from list of feats”

John Barrow has been caught red handed again trying to mislead Georgia voters. According to the Savannah Morning News, John Barrow recently removed a sentence from his campaign biography where he bragged about standing with Obama to pass the wasteful stimulus spending plan.

“And, as recently as February, the accomplishments listed on the website included the following: ‘Standing with President Obama to pass the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, which has already brought over $200 million in funding for roads, hospitals, schools, transportation, and housing to communities in the 12th district.’” (Savannah Morning News, 9/11/2012)

The report says Barrow’s removal of the sentence “raised eyebrows.”

Why did Barrow remove the reference to Obama and the Stimulus? Barrow’s spokesman said: “the stimulus just wasn’t a high priority issues for this election cycle.”  

NRCC COMMENT: “Unfortunately, Georgia families can’t push the delete button to wipe out all the damage the Barrow/Obama agenda has done to the economy.” – NRCC Spokeswoman Andrea Bozek

John Barrow for Congress