fact checks confirm: Charlie prefers China
Congressman Charlie Wilson’s latest ad uses two fact checks to claim he didn’t send jobs to China. Problem is, those very fact checks say otherwise.
As you cover Congressman Charlie Wilson and his Washington allies’ latest deceitful ad against Bill Johnson, please consider the below quotations from the actual fact checks Wilson cites in his ad:
FACTCHECK.ORG: STIMULUS DOLLARS “DEFINITELY” WENT TOWARDS CREATING JOBS IN CHINA, CHINESE COMPANIES GOT $2.6 MILLION: ”As we know from Choma’s exhaustive research, it is true that foreign-owned companies have received $2.4 billion in grants to build wind farms in the U.S. Choma gives this breakdown: China, $2.6 million. Choma said wind turbines have 8,000 components and he found proof that some of them were manufactured in China and other countries. … In a blog post on Sept. 27, Choma wrote: ‘…we can’t say for sure how much of this stimulus money went to create jobs in China. Some money definitely did…’” (Eugene Kiely, Lara Seligman, Lauren Hitt and Melissa Siegel, “Stimulus Jobs in China?,”FactCheck.org, 10/29/2010)
POLITIFACT.COM: MONEY SPENT ON WIND ENERGY WENT TO CHINA: “…a small fraction of the money spent on wind energy went to China.” (“Stimulus went to windmills from China? Romney ad says so,” Politifact.com, 7/23/2012)
NRCC COMMENT: “Congressman Charlie Wilson’s desperation continues as he is now citing two fact checks confirming his vote for Barack Obama’s stimulus sent jobs to China. Wilson’s willingness to distort the facts is nothing new and unemployed Ohioans looking for work know the difference between Ohio jobs and the jobs Charlie’s stimulus sent to China.” – NRCC spokeswoman Christyn Keyes