Chicago-style politicking

September 24, 2012

Hey there –

Wanted to make sure you saw that Bill Foster is doubling down on his ultra-liberal agenda and holding a fundraiser with David Axelrod today in Chicago. No longer masquerading as a moderate, Bill Foster is showing his true colors and letting Illinois families know that he will continue his Chicago-partisan political tradition if sent to Washington.

What boggles Illinois families’ minds is why Foster would be seen with Axelrod who said earlier this month that “we’re in a better position than we were four years ago…”

Illinois families are struggling as unemployment continues to rise in the state and they know they are not better off than they were four years ago.

As you cover Bill Foster’s struggling campaign, please consider the following quote.

NRCC Statement: “Bill Foster was fired once before for voting with his liberal cronies and not in favor of Illinois families. Now we see Bill Foster is promising to continue his Chicago-style politics if sent back to Congress. Illinois families can’t afford his reckless, partisan ways.” – NRCC Spokeswoman Katie Prill