Outsourcing Illinois

September 25, 2012

Hey there –

Cheri Bustos’ Washington cronies are at it again! The Nancy Pelosi funded House Majority PAC is taking aim at Bobby Schilling with a false and negative ad to cover up Cheri’s lackluster record. What the Pelosi Super PAC doesn’t want you to know is that politician Cheri Bustos is a tax and spend liberal who will vote with Nancy Pelosi over Illinois families.

Pelosi’s Super PAC is afraid that Illinois families will find out that Cheri Bustos supports Pat Quinn’s job-destroying policies of over-taxation and over-regulation. She also supports a “Bring-Back Tax” to penalize American companies looking to bring jobs back home. The final whoopsies moment is that Cheri Bustos actually invests her own money in overseas companies that coordinate with American corporations to help them outsource jobs to China.

Illinois families are ashamed of Cheri Bustos’ anti-Illinois jobs record.

NRCC Statement: “Cheri Bustos is a career politician who invests her own personal money in foreign companies that ship American jobs overseas. If Illinois families can’t trust Cheri Bustos to stop outsourcing her own money why would they trust her to stop the outsourcing of American jobs to China.” – NRCC Spokeswoman Katie Prill