political pandering

September 26, 2012

Rick Nolan wants people to forget about the time when he was a Congressman in the 70’s who  believed in radical, extreme viewpoints and supported Ted Kennedy for President. Former Congressman Rick Nolan is also hoping you don’t remember his anti-mining ways as you cover his politically motivated mining roundtable in Hoyt Lakes today. But Minnesota families didn’t forget that Rick Nolan supports the overzealous and extreme ideology coming from the EPA, which has over regulated companies right out of business.

Remember in January of this year when Rick Nolan was touting the EPA: “These rules and regulations are not job killers. Quite frankly, they are job creators. (Nolan at 29:35)

Really Rick Nolan?

  • The Star Tribune reported on Minnesota’s Silver Lake Power Plant closing and said, “the plant employs 54 workers, and utility officials said it’s uncertain how many will be needed after the plant is retired.”
  • Silver Lake Power Plant’s spokesperson said of the upcoming closing, “The money we’d need to generate to keep the plant open and do substantial infrastructure changes to meet all future requirements is not in our customers’ best interest.”
  • A recent report from the Institute for Energy Research said, “Additionally, operators in Minnesota announced they would cease plans to convert a coal plant to natural gas, letting the plant retire due to EPA regulations.”

Maybe Rick should sit down with the hardworking Minnesotans who are struggling to find jobs or the men and women who have lost their jobs due to EPA over regulations.

As you cover former Congressman Rick Nolan’s politically motivated “support” of the mining industry, please consider the following quote.

NRCC Statement: “Former Congressman Rick Nolan is trying to pretend he is for mining jobs when in reality he supports the job-destroying ideology of the EPA. Minnesota families deserve to know why Rick Nolan thinks the EPA’s radical agenda is more important than hardworking Minnesotans’ ability to put food on the kitchen table for their families.” – NRCC Spokeswoman Katie Prill