where’s the honesty?

September 26, 2012

Blago’s General Bill Enyart is up with a new TV ad and let’s just say it is full of laughable and untrue moments. Enyart claims he would fight for small businesses and the middle class. In reality, Bill Enyart supports ObamaCare which would impose a massive tax hike on middle class families and crush small businesses.

  • 4.7 MILLION FAMILIES, NEARLY 80% OF THOSE HIT BY THE TAX, ARE IN THE MIDDLE CLASS: (Phillip Klein, “CBO: ObamaCare Mandate Will Cost 6 Million Taxpayers $7 Billion in 2016,” The Washington Examiner, 9/19/2012)
  • MIDDLE CLASS FAMILIES HIT BY OBAMACARE MANDATE TAX MAKE LESS THAN $56,000 FOR INDIVIDUALS, $116,000 FOR A FAMILY OF FOUR:  (Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar, “Tax Penalty to Hit 6 Million Uninsured People,” Associated Press, 9/19/2012)
  • 600,000 PEOPLE WHO LIVE IN FAMILIES THAT MAKE LESS THAN $24,600 PER YEAR WILL FACE THE MANDATE TAX: (“Payments Of Penalties For Being Uninsured Under The Affordable Care Act,” Congressional Budget Office, 9/19/2012)
  • “MANY EMPLOYERS HAVE SHIFTED MORE OF THOSE COSTS TO WORKERS”:  (Chad Terhune, “Insurance Costs Rise 4%, May Go Higher in ’13,” Los Angeles Times, 9/12/2012)
  • UBS RESEARCH: OBAMACARE IS “ARGUABLY THE BIGGEST IMPEDIMENT TO HIRING”:  (“Great Suppression II,” UBS Research, Pgs.1, 5, 9/19/2011) 

So where’s the honesty Bill? Oh wait… He is a millionaire trial lawyer and learned how to be a politician from Rod Blagojevich so he’s trained in truth-stretching.

If you decide to cover Bill Enyart’s inaccurate TV ad, please consider the following quote.

NRCC Statement: “Bill Enyart is showing Illinois families that just like Rod Blagojevich he thinks being honest with voters is a waste of his time. If half-truths, inaccuracies and sheer arrogance equaled political gain, Bill Enyart would be king of the world.” – NRCC Spokeswoman Katie Prill