Obama: “I Want to See Us Export More Jobs”

October 2, 2012

Obama: “I Want to See Us Export More Jobs”

President Obama Accidentally Admits He Wants to Send Jobs Overseas, But ObamaCare and His Stimulus Already Have  

  • If a gaffe is when a politician accidentally tells the truth, President Obama committed a huge gaffe last week when he accidentally admitted that “I want to see us export more jobs.”

  • It will be hard for President Obama and the Democrats to outdo their record of outsourcing over the last four years. The Democrats’ failed stimulus, for instance, created jobs in countries all over the world.

  • The Democrats’ government takeover of healthcare has also been a disaster for American workers, imposing onerous new taxes and regulations that force companies to send jobs to Mexico and China.

If a gaffe is when a politician accidentally tells the truth, President Obama committed a huge gaffe last week when he accidentally admitted that “I want to see us export more jobs”:

OBAMA LAST WEDNESDAY: “FIRST THING IS I WANT TO SEE US EXPORT MORE JOBS”: (“Remarks by the President at Kent State University,” The White House, 9/26/2012)

“THE FACT REMAINS THAT HIS POLICIES ARE EXPORTING JOBS, PARTICULARLY TO CHINA”: “The president’s media apologists will say it was not a gaffe, that he merely misspoke and corrected himself. But the fact remains that his policies are exporting jobs, particularly to China.” (“Remarks by the President at Kent State University,” The White House, 9/26/2012)

It will be hard for President Obama and the Democrats to outdo their record of outsourcing over the last four years. The Democrats’ failed stimulus, for instance, created jobs in countries all over the world:

DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY STUDY: “60% OF THE 40 LARGEST WIND FARMS” RECEIVING STIMULUS FUNDS “RELIED ON FOREIGN MANUFACTURERS FOR THEIR CENTRAL COMPONENTS”: (Tom Hamburger, Carol D. Leonnig and Zachary A. Goldfarb, “Obama’s Record On Outsourcing Draws Criticism From The Left,” The Washington Post, 7/9/2012)

EVEN SOME SENATE DEMOCRATS SLAMMED THE STIMULUS THEY SUPPORTED FOR OUTSOURCING: “In the wake of a new report revealing that a clean-energy grant program in the stimulus has paid out more than $1 billion to foreign manufacturers, U.S. Senators Charles E. Schumer (D-NY), Bob Casey (D-PA), Sherrod Brown (D-OH) and Jon Tester (D-MT) urged the Obama administration Wednesday to suspend the program indefinitely until the law can be fixed so that funds only flow to projects that will create jobs in the United States.(Press Release, “Schumer, Casey, Brown & Tester Urge Obama Administration To Suspend Stimulus Program Funneling Billions Overseas,” Office Of Sen. Charles Schumer, 3/3/2010)

INVESTIGATIVE REPORTING WORKSHOP: 79% OF FIRST $2 BILLION WENT TO FOREIGN COMPANIES:  (Press Release, “Schumer, Casey, Brown & Tester Urge Obama Administration To Suspend Stimulus Program Funneling Billions Overseas,” Office Of Sen. Charles Schumer, 3/3/2010)


FACTCHECK.ORG: STIMULUS DOLLARS “DEFINITELY” WENT TOWARDS CREATING JOBS IN CHINA, CHINESE COMPANIES GOT $2.6 MILLION: “As we know from Choma’s exhaustive research, it is true that foreign-owned companies have received $2.4 billion in grants to build wind farms in the U.S. Choma gives this breakdown: Spain, $1.1 billion; Germany, $474.4 million; Portugal, $333 million; Australia, $178 million; Japan, $130.5 million; Italy, $84.2 million; France, $69.5 million; United Kingdom, $42.2 million; China, $2.6 million. Choma said wind turbines have 8,000 components and he found proof that some of them were manufactured in China and other countries. … In a blog post on Sept. 27, Choma wrote: ‘…we can’t say for sure how much of this stimulus money went to create jobs in China. Some money definitely did, but it is safe to say more money went to creating jobs in the U.S. and Europe.’” (Eugene Kiely, Lara Seligman, Lauren Hitt and Melissa Siegel, “Stimulus Jobs in China?,” FactCheck.org, 10/29/2010)

$69.5 MILLION FOR CREATING JOBS IN FRANCE: (Eugene Kiely, Lara Seligman, Lauren Hitt and Melissa Siegel, “Stimulus Jobs in China?,” FactCheck.org, 10/29/2010)

$130.5 MILLION FOR CREATING JOBS IN JAPAN: (Eugene Kiely, Lara Seligman, Lauren Hitt and Melissa Siegel, “Stimulus Jobs in China?,” FactCheck.org, 10/29/2010)

$178 MILLION FOR CREATING JOBS IN AUSTRALIA: (Eugene Kiely, Lara Seligman, Lauren Hitt and Melissa Siegel, “Stimulus Jobs in China?,” FactCheck.org, 10/29/2010)

$333 MILLION FOR CREATING JOBS IN PORTUGAL: (Eugene Kiely, Lara Seligman, Lauren Hitt and Melissa Siegel, “Stimulus Jobs in China?,” FactCheck.org, 10/29/2010)

$474.4 MILLION FOR CREATING JOBS IN GERMANY: (Eugene Kiely, Lara Seligman, Lauren Hitt and Melissa Siegel, “Stimulus Jobs in China?,” FactCheck.org, 10/29/2010)

$1.1 BILLION FOR CREATING JOBS IN SPAIN: (Eugene Kiely, Lara Seligman, Lauren Hitt and Melissa Siegel, “Stimulus Jobs in China?,” FactCheck.org, 10/29/2010)

The Democrats’ government takeover of healthcare has also been a disaster for American workers, imposing onerous new taxes and regulations that force companies to send jobs to Mexico and China:


STUDY: OBAMACARE MEDICAL DEVICE TAX WILL SEND JOBS TO CHINA AND INDIA: “The United States is the world’s leading exporter of medical devices, and each new industry job adds more than four to the overall U.S. economy. An industry report claims that 43,000 U.S. jobs will be lost because of the tax, many of them to foreign countries such as India and China, where labor, taxes and raw materials are cheaper. That’s more than 10 percent of the nation’s 422,000 medical-device workers.” (Tony Pugh, “Medical Device Makers Push Congress to Repeal Excise Tax,” McClatchy News, 9/22/2011)

MEDICAL DEVICE ASSOCIATION SAID OBAMACARE’S HEART ATTACK TAX COULD FORCE “43,000 JOBS OVERSEAS”: “The Advanced Medical Technology Association (AdvaMed) released a report Wednesday that says device-makers might ship 43,000 jobs overseas once the tax takes effect in 2013.” (Sam Baker, “Device-Makers Say Tax Will Cost 43,000 U.S. Jobs,” The Hill‘s ” Health Watch,” 9/7/2011)

“SOME WELCH ALLYN ACCOUNTING JOBS WILL MOVE TO MEXICO”: (Charley Hannagan, “Some Welch Allyn Accounting Jobs Will Move to Mexico,” The Syracuse Post-Standard, 9/11/2012)

275 JOBS, OR 10% OF WORKFORCE, TO BE CUT OVER THE NEXT THREE YEARS: (Charley Hannagan, “Some Welch Allyn Accounting Jobs Will Move to Mexico,” The Syracuse Post-Standard, 9/11/2012)

OBAMACARE’S MEDICAL DEVICE TAX IS THE CAUSE FOR THIS OUTSOURCING TO MEXICO: “The moves are meant to prepare Welch Allyn to address the new ‘onerous’ U.S. Medical Device Tax scheduled to take effect next year under the Affordable Care Act, the company said.” (Charley Hannagan, “Some Welch Allyn Accounting Jobs Will Move to Mexico,” The Syracuse Post-Standard, 9/11/2012)


OBAMACARE’S MEDICAL LOSS RATIO MANDATE COULD FORCE EMPLOYERS TO “MOVE MORE JOBS TO CHEAPER-WAGE COUNTRIES”: “Moreover, the health care reform law could prod insurers to move more jobs to cheaper-wage countries. The new law requires companies to spend 80% to 85% of premiums on medical care, limiting the amount available for administrative expenses.” (Don Lee, “Worries Grow As Health Care Firms Send Jobs Overseas,” Los Angeles Times, 7/25/2012) 

OBAMACARE “MAY BE A CATALYST FOR NEW FORMS OF OUTSOURCING”:“The Affordable Care Act, by increasing the number of people in the health care system and changing the way delivery is funded, may be a catalyst for new forms of outsourcing.” (George Lauer, “Outsourcing May Grow As Health System Evolves,”California Healthline, 8/2/2012)

Obama: “I Want to See Us Export More Jobs” http://ow.ly/e7R3Z