NRCC Comment on Boswell’s desperate attacks

September 28, 2012

Leonard Boswell’s Washington friends are out with a desperate new ad that tries to cover up Leonard Boswell’s  record of sending American jobs overseas.

Let’s look at Boswell’s record…

Voted for a massive government takeover of healthcare that has and will continue to ship jobs overseas.

Voted to spend $833 billion of our money that went to companies like now-bankrupt Solyndra.

 That fact that Boswell and his friends are misleading Iowa voters is nothing new. Check out what the Des Moines Register said about his desperate attacks on Latham: “If Boswell values his own credibility, he should take the ads off the air.”

NRCC COMMENT: “From one false ad to the next, Boswell’s career is ending in disgrace. Iowa families are tired of his failed spending plans that have create more jobs in China than Iowa. Iowans are ready to bring this career politician home.” — NRCC spokeswoman Andrea Bozek