VIDEO & RADIO: New NRCC Ads on Rick Nolan

October 1, 2012

Wanted to make sure you saw that over the weekend the NRCC launched a new TV ad and two new radio ads hitting former Congressman Rick Nolan. The ads highlight that despite what Congressman Nolan says, his record of increasing his own pay and limiting individual freedoms proves he doesn’t uphold Minnesota values.

Please click HERE to watch the TV ad. The radio ads can be heard HERE and HERE.

NRCC Statement: “Former Congressman Rick Nolan thinks showing up to the office is enough to force taxpayers to fund his constant pay raises. Minnesota families can’t afford Congressman Nolan especially as he promises to vote against Minnesota jobs at Polymet and won’t stand up for our Second Amendment rights.” – NRCC Spokeswoman Katie Prill

TV ad entitled “More Pay”:


The script for this ad is as follows:

ANNOUNCER : As a Washington Politician, Rick Nolan voted to raise his pay four times in six years by an incredible 42 percent.

 At least he showed up for those votes.

 By the end of his term, Nolan had given up on the job, skipping nearly a third of the votes in Congress.

 Rick Nolan, more pay for less work.

 Why would it be any different this time?

 DISCLAIMER: The National Republican Congressional Committee is responsible for the content of this advertising.


Radio spot entitled “2nd Amendment”:

The script for this ad is as follows:

 ANNOUNCER: This guy running for Congress, Rick Nolan.

 Admitted that being in Washington in the 70s’ made him more liberal, even radical.

 Well maybe that explains why he supported banning different types of guns.

 And maybe it tells us why he voted to give Washington bureaucrats more power over responsible gun orders.

 Rick Nolan declared war on our Second Amendment rights.

 Now I hear he wants to cut America’s national defense budget by fifty percent.

 That could make life a whole lot more dangerous for our soldiers who are fighting for our freedom.

 Seems like Rick Nolan doesn’t want us to be able to defend our homes, or our country.

 Rick Nolan, still radical after all these years.

 DISCLAIMER: The National Republican Congressional Committee paid for and is responsible for the content of this advertising. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.


Radio spot entitled “Mine”:

The script for this ad is as follows:

 ANNOUNCER: In times like these, jobs are hard to come by.

 But there’s a bill in Congress that would help the Polymet Mine in Hoyt Lakes create nearly 900 jobs.

 That means hundreds of Minnesota families in the Iron Range would be able to count on a regular paycheck.

 But Rick Nolan opposes the bill that would move the Polymet Mine forward.

 It’s hard to understand, but Nolan has taken the side of liberal environment groups that want to impose even more red tape on mining.

 So instead of helping the Polymet mine pump up to $240 million a year into Minnesota’s economy, Nolan says he’d create a new mining bureaucracy in Washington that would cost taxpayers $250 million.

 Jobs for Washington bureaucrats, not for Minnesota families.

 Thanks Rick.

 DISCLAIMER: The National Republican Congressional Committee paid for and is responsible for the content of this advertising. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.