don’t watch this

October 5, 2012

Don’t watch this video… unless you want to find out about David Cicilline’s record of fighting for violent criminals.


ASSOCIATED PRESS:  “Doherty attacks Cicilline for past legal career.”   “Cicilline defended men in the 1980s and 1990s who were convicted of hurting or killing women.”

PROVIDENCE JOURNAL:  “Doherty said that while he fought to protect people, Cicilline defended criminals such as Frank A. Bertram, convicted in 1989 of first-degree murder after he “stuffed” a “16-year old girl … in a box and left her in a hotel room.” “David stood that day for Frank Bertram,” Doherty said.

WPRO:  “The gloves are off,” announced Doherty at a news conference in a boxing gym as he criticized Cicilline for being a hypocrite when it comes to protecting women.