Nolan, Crowley and The Beatles

October 17, 2012

So you wouldn’t think a former Congressman from Minnesota, last night’s debate moderator, Candy Crowley, and The Beatles would have anything in common but low and behold – they do!

They all have a love for transcendental meditation!!

This now explains why Congressman Rick Nolan was missing all those critical votes on the House floor. He was hanging with Sgt. Pepper and his Lonely Hearts Club Band.

On Oct. 14, 1976, Rick Nolan wrote in a constituent letter, “The truth is that in meditating you simply relax – far more completely than you usually do even while sleeping.” (Accessed at the archives at St. Cloud State University)

On Sept. 30, 1975, Rick Nolan wrote in a constituent letter, “I have also enclosed for your information an informational sheet on Transcendental Meditation. I have been practicing this for some time and think it is a good thing.” (Accessed at the archives at St. Cloud State University)

Yep… this is all very weird and Minnesota families are left scratching their heads wondering why Rick Nolan thinks anyone would send him back to Congress.

NRCC Statement: “If sent back to Washington, Congressman Rick Nolan would continue his ridiculous behavior from the 70’s where he focused more time on his meditation then showing up to vote. Minnesota families can’t afford Congressman Nolan’s idea of governing.” – NRCC Spokeswoman Katie Prill

Namaste –