VIDEO: New NRCC TV Ad on Gary McDowell

October 23, 2012

Wanted to make sure you saw the latest NRCC TV ad hitting Gary McDowell.
Please find the script below and click HERE to watch the ad.

NRCC Statement:
“Career politician Gary McDowell was Jennifer Granholm’s rubber stamp as a state representative, pushing her massive job-destroying policies which sent unemployment soaring over 14 percent. It’s clear that if sent to Congress, Gary McDowell would continue his career of supporting policies that are disastrous for Northern Michigan.” – NRCC Spokeswoman Katie Prill
The script for this TV ad is as follows:

ANNOUNCER: Ever feel like your tax dollars are being wasted?

 Like Granholm’s $2 billion jobs plan that the press called a misuse of tax dollars.

 Gary McDowell supported it and you paid for it.

 How about the Obama-Pelosi failed stimulus?

 Billions of our tax dollars to foreign companies, created jobs in China.

 Gary McDowell supported it, you paid for it.

 Gary McDowell in Washington? Watch your fingers. And your tax dollars.

DISCLAIMER: The National Republican Congressional Committee is responsible for the content of this advertising.